Frequently Asked Questions

Explore our FAQ page for quick answers to common questions about working with Megan Monroe Media.

General Questions

  1. What services do you offer? We provide social media management, digital marketing, and virtual assistant services tailored to your business needs.
  2. Who can benefit from your services? Our services are ideal for small businesses, entrepreneurs, influencers, content creators and anyone looking to boost their online presence.
  3. How do I get started? Start by filling out our Client Questionnaire!   Once you have completed the form, contact us via our website to schedule a free discovery call. We’ll discuss your needs and customize a plan that fits your goals.

Social Media Management

  1. What platforms do you manage? We manage all major platforms, including Instagram, Facebook, Twitter/X, LinkedIn, and TikTok.  We also help creators who have fan club platforms, video and clip sites as well as many other site management.
  2. What is included in social media management? Our service includes content posting, community engagement, and analytics reporting to optimize your social media strategy.
  3. How often do you post on social media? Posting frequency depends on your plan and goals, but we typically recommend 3-5 posts per week per platform.

Digital Marketing

  1. What digital marketing services do you offer? We offer SEO, email marketing, content marketing, paid advertising, and more.
  2. Can you help with website design? Yes, we provide website design and optimization services as part of our digital marketing packages.
  3. How do you measure the success of a digital marketing campaign? Success is measured using key performance indicators (KPIs) such as traffic growth, conversion rates, and ROI.

Virtual Assistant Services

  1. What tasks can your virtual assistants handle? Our virtual assistants can manage administrative tasks, customer service, calendar management, email correspondence, fan club scheduling, fan club chatting and more.
  2. How do you ensure the security of my information? We use secure communication tools and sign non-disclosure agreements to protect your sensitive information and privacy.
  3. Can I hire a virtual assistant on a part-time basis? Yes, our virtual assistant services are flexible, allowing for both part-time and full-time arrangements.
  4. What is the difference between social media management and digital marketing services? The difference between digital marketing services and social media social media management focuses on content creation, posting and community engagement. Social media is more about your brand online presence.  Digital marketing targets broader online strategies like SEO, ads, and email campaigns. Digital marketing is targeted towards creating sales and generating revenue.

Pricing and Payment

  1. How do you price your services? Pricing is customized based on the scope of services and your specific needs. We offer competitive rates and package deals.
  2. Do you offer any discounts or promotions? We occasionally offer discounts for new clients or long-term contracts. Contact us for current promotions.
  3. What payment methods do you accept? We accept all major credit cards, PayPal, Cashapp, Venmo, Zelle, Skrill and bank transfers.
  4. How do you price your packages?  We have a variety of options tailored to your needs.  For more information, visit our PRICING page.
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Why choose us?

At Megan Monroe Media, we believe in delivering personalized solutions that make a difference. Our team is passionate, experienced, and committed to your success. Let us be your partner in growth—so you can shine brighter than ever before.

Get in touch today to learn how we can take your business to the next level. Your success is our mission.

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